2018 Club Recognition Awards
At the 2019 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of New York President's Luncheon, Pound Ridge Garden Club president Roxane Wasserman accepted three awards on behalf of our club. These awards were for our standard Flower Show held in 2018. Pictures from this show may be found under the Flower Show Tab. Roxane thanks Deb Benjamin as Chairman of the Flower Show for her proactive approach during the 1 1/2 years of planning before the show, Dee Aspros for writing the Book of Evidence after the show which allowed us to pursue these awards, Connie Marchetti, PRGC President in 2018, for her patience and guidance, and every member of the club for their part in making this show a success.
No other clubs in the 9th District received all these awards.
At the 2019 9th District Federated Garden Clubs of New York President's Luncheon, Pound Ridge Garden Club president Roxane Wasserman accepted three awards on behalf of our club. These awards were for our standard Flower Show held in 2018. Pictures from this show may be found under the Flower Show Tab. Roxane thanks Deb Benjamin as Chairman of the Flower Show for her proactive approach during the 1 1/2 years of planning before the show, Dee Aspros for writing the Book of Evidence after the show which allowed us to pursue these awards, Connie Marchetti, PRGC President in 2018, for her patience and guidance, and every member of the club for their part in making this show a success.
No other clubs in the 9th District received all these awards.